Benefits of Wearing Cat’s Eye - Lehsunia - Gemstone of Ketu

According to Vedic Astrology, Ketu is the Karaka of Moksha or Salvation. Ketu is the natural ruler of the 8th House, Scorpio, a house of death, transformation, and hidden traits. Natives are suggested to wear Cat’s Eye counting on the placement of Ketu in their birth chart. Buy Cat’s Eye only from the original gemstone shop in Kolkata and incur its maximum benefits. One more thing, always consult with an astrologer before wearing a Cat’s Eye. In today’s blog, we will decipher the benefits of Cat’s Eye for the wearers. Let’s delve deep into the discussion. What are the Benefits of Wearing a Cat’s Eye? Cat’s Eye is also known as Lehsunia. Not everyone is recommended to wear a Cat’s Eye. You can unlock the benefits of Cat’s Eye if Ketu is placed in a suitable house in your horoscope. Let us know how Cat’s Eye benefits its wearers. It improves the spiritual quotient and paves the way to attain higher wisdom. For natives who face difficulties making choices or decisions, Cat’s Eye enhances ...