5 Natural Ways to Identifying Genuine Gemstones for You
After astrological consultation, most of us end up with a decision to buy gemstones. Gemstones are prescribed by an experienced astrologer based on the birth chart analysis. So, before you go to the best astrological stone shop in Kolkata, you should know how to identify the genuine gemstone among many. We are not saying that a genuine gemstone store sells fake gemstones. But if you know how to identify genuine gemstones, the buying experience will be good. So, let us have a try.
How to Identify Genuine Gemstones?
Now, it is time to uncover the tips to identify genuine gemstones from the heap of gemstones.
- Play of Color: Genuine gemstone always has a play of color. When you hold the gemstone in the light, you can see it radiate.
- Imperfections: Genuine gemstones are found in mines and they are made under the pressure and heat of the earth. So, they must have impurities that occur due to the variations in pressure, heat, and timing.
- Inclusions: Genuine gemstones must have inclusions and the reasons behind them are the same as described above.
- Uneven Surface: You can observe smooth surfaces on the gemstones as they are cut in machines to provide a smooth finish. The finishes are man-made. But, if you request to see an unfinished gemstone, you can observe the real and uneven surfaces in it.
- Fluorescence: If you check genuine gemstones, you can observe their fluorescence quality. The gemstones will be fluorescent under UV light. This is one of the best ways to identify a genuine gemstone.
These are the natural qualities that indicate whether you are going to buy a genuine gemstone or not. You can also ask for a certificate with gemstones. If the dealer can present you with the gemological certificate, you are in safe hands. Remember, the best astrological stone shop in Kolkata never fails to provide a gemological certificate for each gemstone.
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